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- sregexp.library/AnchorPath
- sregexp.library/BuildPath
- sregexp.library/FreeSpathInfo
- sregexp.library/FreeSregExp
- sregexp.library/IsWild
- sregexp.library/ParseSregExp
- sregexp.library/MatchNSregExp
- sregexp.library/MatchSregExp
- sregexp.library/NextFile
- sregexp.library/AnchorPath sregexp.library/AnchorPath
- AnchorPath -- get set up to match a wildcard path.
- spath = AnchorPath(anc, wld)
- D0 A0 A1
- struct SpathInfo *AnchorPath(char *, char *);
- This is the first step in matching a wildcarded path. This routine
- will preparse all of the wildcard elements in the path and set
- everything up for subsequent calls to NextFile.
- If NULL is returned, then IoErr can be examined to find out more on
- whatever went wrong.
- The wildcarded path is made up of (almost, see bug note) any legal
- AmigaDOS path name, with wildcard expressions in the place of file
- and directory names. There is one additional syntax: '.../' means
- recursively search all sub-directories. so:
- DH0:.../fred
- would search all of DH0 for a (file or directory or either, see
- NextFile) named fred.
- One pretty nifty feature is that wildcards are legal in the volume
- node part of the path. This will match to any file system device or
- assigned directory or volume node that the system currently has
- mounted. So to match all of the hard drive partitions in your system
- you would use 'DH?:.../fred'. The root of your current device will
- be matched only if the pattern explicitly matches a null string (ie
- either just ':' or '%:')
- anc - a null terminated string which is the name of a
- directory. All paths returned by BuildPath and NextFile
- will be relative to this directory.
- wld - the wildcarded path to be matched.
- spath - a pointer to a SpathInfo structure ready for calls to
- NextFile.
- It will be most usual to pass a pointer to a null string for anc,
- this will make all paths relative to the current working directory.
- If the wildcarded path ends in a '/' then the search will match only
- directories, and the '/' will be appended to all paths returned by
- BuildPath and NextFile. If you specify a path ending in '/' and then
- ask NextFile to look for only files the search will fail. If the
- path does not end in a '/' then no '/' will be appended to the path
- returned, regardless of whether the match is to a file or a
- directory.
- (well, possible bugs actually) If one of the elements of the path
- explicitly matches a null string (ie. either /%/ or just //) then
- the routine will match to the parent directory. This works in all of
- the cases I have tried (and the only important use, which is at the
- beginning of the path.) I am just not terribly confident with the
- way it's done, so if funny bugs creep up, look here first.
- ParseSregExp, NextFile, BuildPath, FreeSpathInfo
- sregexp.library/BuildPath sregexp.library/BuildPath
- BuildPath -- build the path to the current match to a SpathInfo
- structure
- len = BuildPath(spi,buff,len)
- D0 A0 A1 D0
- int BuildPath(Struct SpathInfo *, char *, int);
- The path to the current match of the SpathInfo structure is copied
- into the buffer and null terminated. This will have unpredictable
- results, possibly including fireworks, if it is called before the
- first call to NextFile.
- This routine will mainly be used to try again with a bigger buffer
- if NextPath failed with SPE_BUFF_FULL.
- spi - The pointer returned by a call to AnchorPath
- buff - a buffer length len long to copy the path name into.
- len - the length of the buffer, buff.
- len - exactly the same as returned by NextFile.
- NextFile, AnchorPath.
- sregexp.library/FreeSpathInfo sregexp.library/FreeSpathInfo
- FreeSpathInfo -- free up all of the resources locked by calls
- to AnchorPath and NextFile
- FreeSpathInfo(spi)
- A0
- void FreeSpathInfo(struct SpathInfo *);
- This will free all of the memory and file locks currently wrapped up
- in the SpathInfo structure. This is the ONLY way you should try to
- free up these resources.
- This routine can be called at any point, either immediately after
- the call to AnchorPath, or after any calls to NextFile or BuildPath.
- spi - A pointer to a SpathInfo structure to be freed.
- AnchorPath.
- sregexp.library/FreeSregExp sregexp.library/FreeSregExp
- FreeSregExp -- free up a preparsed wildcard created by ParseSregExp
- FreeSregExp(sreg)
- A0
- void FreeSregExp(struct SregExp *);
- This routine will free all of the resources associated with a
- preparsed wildcard expression. This is the only legal way to free
- the object created by ParseSregExp, and you should not try to do it
- yourself.
- sreg - a pointer to the preparsed wildcard expression returned
- by ParseSregExp.
- ParseSregExp, MatchNSregExp, MatchSregExp.
- sregexp.library/IsWild sregexp.library/IsWild
- IsWild -- test if a string has any unescaped wildcard characters.
- bool = IsWild(wildcard);
- D0 A0
- int IsWild(char *);
- This routine merely checks if the string contains any unescaped
- wildcard characters. It does not actually test if the string is
- wild. For example, it would fail on '(this is a test)' because of
- the round brackets, which are wildcard characters.
- wildcard - a pointer to a wildcard string.
- bool - non-zero if any unescaped wildcard characters were
- found.
- This routine has very little merit, and is not really all that
- useful. I will probably add a routine in future versions that does
- the same thing but takes the preparsed wildcard expression and
- returns the unique string which it will match, or NULL.
- ParseSregExp.
- sregexp.library/ParseSregExp sregexp.library/ParseSregExp
- ParseSregExp -- preparse a wildcard expression for matching.
- sreg = ParseSregExp(wildcard)
- D0 A0
- struct SregExp *ParseSregExp(char *);
- A wildcard string must be preparsed before it can be passed to
- MatchSregExp or MatchNSregExp to actually test if it matches a given
- target string.
- This function returns a pointer to the successfully created
- structure, or NULL on failure. On failure, IoErr() can be examined
- to get more information on the cause of the trouble.
- ERROR_INVALID_COMPONENT_NAME is returned if the wildcard string is
- illegal and ERROR_NO_FREE_STORE is returned if memory allocation
- failed.
- The wildcard syntax accepted is an extension of the usual AmigaDOS
- wildcards. Any 1.3 wildcard expression should be ok. Apparently
- under 2.0 they have added a not operator, and the one here may or
- may not be compatible with the way they have done it. (They SHOULD
- have done it this way.)
- Here is a synopsis:
- ? matches any one character
- #(pat) matches zero or more occurrences of the pattern pat.
- (pat) separates out a piece of the pattern.
- pat1|pat2 matches to either pat1 or pat2
- ' escapes the special meaning of these symbols.
- % matches the null string.
- These are the extensions:
- [chars] will match any single character in the set chars,
- specified as single characters or ranges separated by a
- -. Ex. [af-i+] would match a, f, g, h, i, and +. If ~
- is the first character in the set then the set matched
- is the complement of the set specified. Ex. [~a-z] would
- match any one character that is not a (lower case if
- case sensitivity is on) letter. Note that a [~a] is NOT
- the same as a ~[a]. The former would match a 'b' but not
- a 'ab', whereas the latter would match both. Special
- care should be taken when using this wildcard in case
- insensitive matches. As expected, [a] would match either
- 'a' or 'A' in a case insensitive search, but [~a] would
- match anything, since it doesn't match 'a', but would
- match a 'A'.
- ~(pat) will match anything that doesn't match the pattern.
- Note: it is illegal to repeat a not. ie #~a is illegal.
- (So is #(~(a)) so don't even try it.) You can repeat
- something with a not IN it, as long as it can't be
- reduced to the form #~(pattern). (A #[~a] is OK.)
- However ~#a has the expected effect (matches any
- non-null string not composed entirely of a's.)
- * same as #?.
- wildcard - a pointer to the null terminated wildcard expression
- string.
- sreg - a preparsed version of the wildcard expression.
- FreeSregExp, MatchNSregExp, MatchSregExp.
- sregexp.library/MatchNSregExp sregexp.library/MatchNSregExp
- MatchNSregExp - match a preparsed wildcard expression to a target
- bool = MatchNSregExp(target,sreg,case,len)
- D0 A0 A1 D0 D1
- int MatchNSregExp(char *, struct SregExp *, int int);
- This function tests if the given fixed length target string matches
- the preparsed wildcard expression.
- This routine is identical to MatchSregExp, except it takes a pointer
- to a string and its length, rather than a null terminated string.
- target - the null terminated target string you wish to test
- against the wildcard expression.
- sreg - the preparsed wildcard expression.
- case - if this is non-zero then the match is case sensitive,
- otherwise it is case insensitive.
- len - the length of the string pointed to by target.
- bool - non-zero if the target matches the expression, zero
- otherwise.
- See ParseSregExp for a discussion of the wildcard expression and the
- tricky behaviour of character sets (ie. [...]) when the search is
- case insensitive.
- This routine is handy for matching BCPL strings. If p is a c
- pointer (byte, not longword address) of a BCPL string then
- MatchNSregExp(p+1,sreg,case,*p)
- will test the BCPL string for a match.
- FreeSregExp, ParseSregExp, MatchSregExp.
- sregexp.library/MatchSregExp sregexp.library/MatchSregExp
- MatchSregExp - match a preparsed wildcard expression to a target
- bool = MatchSregExp(target,sreg,case)
- D0 A0 A1 D0
- int MatchSregExp(char *, struct SregExp *, int);
- This function tests if the given null terminated target string
- matches the preparsed wildcard expression.
- This routine is identical to MatchNSregExp, except it takes a
- pointer to a null terminated string, rather than a string and its
- length.
- target - the null terminated target string you wish to test
- against the wildcard expression.
- sreg - the preparsed wildcard expression.
- case - if this is non-zero then the match is case sensitive,
- otherwise it is case insensitive.
- bool - non-zero if the target matches the expression, zero
- otherwise.
- See ParseSregExp for a discussion of the wildcard expression and the
- tricky behaviour of character sets (ie. [...]) when the search is
- case insensitive.
- This call currently just results in the call:
- MatchNSregExp(target,sreg,case,strlen(target));
- but this may change in future version.
- FreeSregExp, ParseSregExp, MatchNSregExp.
- sregexp.library/NextFile sregexp.library/NextFile
- NextFile -- return the next (or first) file matching the path.
- len = NextFile(spi,buff,len,dirs)
- D0 A0 A1 D0 D1
- int NextFile(struct SpathInfo *, char *, int int);
- This routine copies the path to the next (or first, if this is the
- first call) file or directory matching the wildcard in the SpathInfo
- structure created by a call to AnchorPath.
- The usual calling sequence would be:
- AnchorPath
- repeat while no errors and more files
- NextFile
- FreeSpathInfo
- The length of the path is returned, or if there is an error or there
- are no more matches a negative result is returned. Both the
- negative number and the Value if IoErr will give more information
- about why the routine returned.
- spi - The pointer returned by a call to AnchorPath
- buff - a buffer length len long to copy the path name into.
- len - the length of the buffer, buff.
- dirs - if this is greater than zero, only directories will
- match; if it is zero, both files and directories will
- match; if it is less than zero, only files will match.
- See the defines in the include file.
- len - on success this will be the length of the path copied
- into the buffer. If it is less than zero, some kind of
- special event is signalled.
- SPE_ALL_DONE - This signals there are no more matches
- to the path. IoErr will also be set to
- SPE_ERROR - Some error happened, see IoErr.
- SPE_BUFF_FULL - The buffer you suplied was not big
- enough for the path name. Get a bigger
- one and call BuildPath.
- SPE_SIGBREAK - One of the dos break signals was
- received by your process. This does not
- clear the signals, but since some
- searches can take a while it checks
- every now and again. You can just clear
- the signal and call NextPath again to
- ignore the signal.
- It is meaningless to mix calls with a different value of dirs.
- Anything passed by in a call in which you did not ask for objects of
- a given type will not reappear in subsequent calls in which you do
- ask for that type.
- AnchorPath, BuildPath.